Join us starting this Sunday, April 28 through June 30 as Pastor Cy explores “Things Christians Should Care About.”
We often act as if God lives in a box. We deal with faith one day a week, or in one particular building, while forgetting God the other six days or in all other places. Other times, we compartmentalize our faith. Certain activities or times of the day, worship services, devotional times, praying to bless meals and the like, are “sacred.” Other activities, jobs, driving, voting, shopping, recreation, and just being with others or by ourselves, we treat as separate from God. Practically, they are “secular.”
God makes no such distinctions and wants to be part of every part of our lives. “Believing in Jesus” means trusting in, and acting in obedience to, him all of the time. Salvation is a lifestyle, not an event.
Persons of faith can reasonably disagree on how best to address many issues, but we disregard Jesus’s example and will when we ignore certain aspects of life or treat certain topics as “off limits” for discussion.
This Sunday’s sermon recognizes Earth Day and explores caring about “God’s World.” Topics during May include: “Animal Welfare,” “Beyond Sanctity: The Sacredness of Human Life” and “War and Peace.” In June we will look at: “Poverty and Wealth,” “Caring Has a Cost,” “Human Trafficking,” “Intentional Awareness” and “Liberty and Justice for All.”
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