Pastor Cy continues the "Change is in the Wind" sermon series, examining John 12:20-33 in his sermon entitled "Problems, Paradox and Promise." Pastor Cy explains the cross and the meaning it has for humankind. Jesus obeyed God by sacrificing his life for others, both in how he lived and ultimately... read more →
Make plans to attend our Good Friday Service with Communion on April 19 at 1:00 PM as we remember Jesus's sacrifice for all of us. Invite your friends, neighbors, family and co-workers to join you. We are going to stream this service live online through our Facebook page at This... read more →
Join us for Holy Week: Palm Sunday Worship - April 14, 10:30 AM Good Friday Service & Communion - April 19, 1:00 PM Joint Easter Sunrise Service - April 21, 7:30 AM with Grace Christian Church and Moldovan Bread of Life Baptist - Followed by Breakfast Easter Celebration Service -... read more →
Pastor Cy, of Trinity Baptist Church in Conyers, continues the "Change is in the Wind" sermon series, examining John 3:14-21 in his sermon entitled "Mysterious Grace and Faith." Like change, mystery is integral to following God. Mystery in spiritual matters, however, need not lead us to unresolvable conundrums. In contrast,... read more →
Pastor Cy, of Trinity Baptist Church in Conyers, continues the "Change is in the Wind" sermon series, examining John 2:13-22 in his sermon entitled "Putting Things in Their Places." He uses this text to discuss: 1) Putting Change in its place, 2) Putting anger in its place, 3) Putting church... read more →
We need supernatural help from God to live in our broken world. To seize this supernatural power requires us to reject our human ideas about who God is and how God works. In this video, Pastor Cy continues the "Change is in the Wind" sermon series, examining Mark 8:31-38 in... read more →
In this video, Pastor Cy begins the sermon series on "Change is in the Wind" with "The Power of Belief" examining Mark 1:9-15. We see how the act of Jesus coming into the world was God's greatest gift to mankind. In this passages, Pastor Lynch reviews Jesus' identity and vocation.... read more →
It often seems as though things never go right in our lives. Life's uncertainty and lack of order leads us to conclude that it's unfair. In this video, Pastor Cy concludes the sermon series on "Wisdom for Living in Turbulent Times" series, examining Ecclesiastes 7:14-22. We see how the writer... read more →
In this video, Pastor Cy continues the sermon series on "Wisdom in Turbulent Times." He uses Proverbs 18:10-11 to reflect on where we should go when life gets difficult. Life’s inevitable battles often cause us to feel attacked, and can discourage us and crush our spirit to the extent that... read more →
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me.” Baloney. Don’t believe it for a second. Words are powerful: they can build up, and all too often they can tear down! In this video, Pastor Cy continues the sermon series on "Wisdom in Turbulent Times." He... read more →